Saturday, 26 November 2016

Some thought about Fidel's death

After Fidel died at 90 years old, people around the world pay tribute in different ways. Some express pity and mourn for his death such as former president Obama, Pope Francis, and communist party leaders. Others like Goerge J.Borjas (a Cuban that run away from Fidel's regime, and now is a economics prof at Havard) and president Trump say a "good riddance".
Let's look at what Fidel have done during his life to make Cuba a communist utopia.
First, he nationalized all the factories. Recently Cuba has loosen its regulation, entrepreneurs in Cuba are only allowed to act in 201 categories of activities. That simply destroys the economic motivation of the country. 
Second, he destroyed the national currency by issuing excessive cash. Next, he changed to a new paper and required all citizens to exchange their old paper with some limit on the amount of transaction. That is what exactly Vietnam did after 1975. Cubans and Vietnamese were robbed all the wealth they have to spend their whole life to collect after just one night.
Third, he runs a punishment strategy on all the people that previously worked in the previous regime. That including their family and their relatives even they didn't work for the previous regime or was born after the regime collapse. If one was born on family that related to the previous regime, he never has a chance to find a job in Fidel's regime. That is even worse than racism. No wonder that hundred thousands of Cuban ran away from Fidel, most of them went to Miami, Florida (see the movie Scar Face). Vietnam also shares the same dark time as million of boat people run away, make it one of the largest migration on earth after the Jew's migration.
Nowaday, Cuba's economy has not changed much after 50 years of Fidel's leadership. Cuba is still rely on grants from other alliance such as Russia, Venezuela. Less than 5% of Cubans have access to the internet. VTV has made a video report show that Cubans gathering around a big hotel to access the hotel's wifi.
You might say that I am no one to judge a historic figure like Fidel, but as one of my favorite author has said "History are circles that repeat over and over, and we have to remember the lesson in the past to not repeat it in the future. If we don't dare to judge the past, then we can never learn anything." Fidel made a revolution to defeat tyrant Baptista, but sadly he became a tyrant afterward and even worse.
More on Fidel's death can be found in here and here.

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