Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Doing what is right, not what is easy

Initially, I think the title is only a quote from Harry Porter movie, but after searching for a while on the internet, I realize that "easy vs right" is really a hot topic to debate. Other words can be used with the same meaning, such as procrastination, self-discipline, laziness,...

People have to make decisions every day, hour, minute. And there is always a conflict of interest between what we should do and what we want to do. I myself have the same problem. In the morning, I have to choose between get up immediately after the clock ring or continue to sleep. After breakfast, I start my laptop and again consider between do my project or read manga, facebook,... In the last of the day, I hesitate between go to bed in time or finish a movie. The same process is replicated the next day.
I think most people know the different between the right things and the easy things, but not many can against the temptation. Economics explains that people always follow the purpose of utility maximization. The easy things are often related to entertainment, relaxation which provide higher utility than the right things. 
Doing the right things is always a hard choice, but it will pay back in long-term. I have been easy on myself for too long. This time I need to change. I list here my "To Do" list (updating because I can't think of all of this right now), and I will achieve them one by one.
My To Do list:
+) First, only check facebook once a week on Sunday (Done)
+) Second, only read manga once a week on Sunday
+) Third, go to bed before 12 p.m
+) Fourth, get up before 7 a.m (Done)
+) Fifth, no playing game during work
+) Sixth, no movie during work
+) Seventh, keep learning on coursera each week (Done)

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